Ensmile Studios

Stain Remover Airflow / Prophy

Stain Remover Airflow / Prophy

Airflow prophy is a dental teeth stain remover that uses a combination of air, water, and a special polishing powder to remove surface stains and plaque from teeth. It is a fast, gentle, and effective way to improve the appearance and health of your teeth.

Here is how the airflow prophy works:

Assessment: The dentist or dental hygienist will first examine your teeth to determine the extent of the staining and plaque buildup.

Preparation: Before the procedure begins, a protective eyewear and bib may be placed over you to keep your eyes, face and clothes clean.

Polishing powder: The polishing powder used in the airflow prophy contains fine particles of sodium bicarbonate or other agents, which help to gently remove surface stains from the teeth.

Air and water: The airflow prophy device sprays a high-pressure stream of air and water, along with the polishing powder, onto the teeth, blasting away stains and plaque.

Results: After the procedure, your teeth will feel smooth and clean, and you may notice a brighter, whiter smile.

Overall, airflow prophy is a safe and effective way to remove surface stains and plaque from your teeth. It is a fast, comfortable, and painless procedure that can leave your teeth looking and feeling their best.

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